Alcott Readers and Pilgrims of All Ages!

L to R: Aurelie Ghijsels, Vanessa Joosen, Phil Nel, Sebastiaan Ghijsels, Wouter Ghijsels.  Photo by Wouter Ghijsels.

Vanessa Joosen, Phil Nel.  Photo by Aurelie Ghijsels.

New Sign for Orchard House, 2022

John Matteson with NEH Summer Institute director and scholars (2017)

Kris Klotz and Laurel Petrulionis

Member Susan Bailey (in pigtails)
visits Orchard House with her family

Professors and Editors Anne Phillips and Greg Eiselein

Sandy Petrulionis's senior English seminar class with their Norton edition copies of Little Women

Drs. Eiselein and Phillips lead a rousing Skype session on our favorite author

Six-month-old, Catherine Frances Gallagher, is the Society's first life member (2013)

At age four, Catherine Gallagher holds her prized first edition set of Little Women

Susan Bailey, avid Alcott blogger,
credits her love for Louisa beginning at age 10 on encountering a biography on by Joan Howard.

Celebrating the love of free books

Former treasurer Melissa Pennell and former president Sandy Petrulionis toast to the Society's 10th anniversary (2015)