Celebrating LMA!
Celebrating LMA was a success! To watch the seminar again, please click here. [The passcode for this event is: 2f4fyh=T .]
The Alcott Society is hosting a very special virtual event to celebrate Louisa May Alcott’s birthday, Celebrating Louisa May Alcott. We have scheduled it for Sunday, November 29, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. Eastern (3:00 CT, 2:00 MT, 1:00 P, 9:00 GMT). We will be meeting via Zoom at https://tinyurl.com/CelebratingLMA .
Please join us for an hour to celebrate Alcott's birthday with some new Alcott research from Dr. Krissie West and Dr. Daniel Shealy. There will also be some lively discussion and some social connecting and reconnecting. Because we can’t provide refreshments next month, we would like to invite each of you to bring along your own preferred food and drink: Thanksgiving leftovers, cookies, cocoa, a glass of wine, Alcott’s own Apple Slump, Emily Dickinson’s coconut cake, some other nineteenth-century favorite, or whatever you would enjoy while learning some new things about Alcott and visiting with your fellow Alcott enthusiasts.
We hope you can join us then!
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