Call for Papers May 2020: American Literature Association Conference

Please note that due to COVID-19, the American Literature Association Conference which was to be held in San Diego, CA May 21-24, 2020 has been cancelled.

American Literature Association Conference, San Diego, CA, May 21-24, 2020:
Teaching Alcott: Alcott in Proximity to Other American Realists, Regionalists, Romantics

In college-level American literature anthologies, Louisa May Alcott enjoys an eclectic reputation. Her writings may appear in context with those of other Civil War or Realist writers or be cataloged as Transcendentalist works. Alternately, they can be regarded as Local Color or Regional writings, or considered in connection with the Gothic or with American Romanticism.

This panel seeks to consider Alcott’s works in proximity to other nineteenth-century American authors, including but not limited to figures such as Davis, Fuller, Hawthorne, Melville, Sedgwick, Spofford, Whitman, and/or others. Attention to her Gothic tales, writings for adult readers, and works other than Little Women is especially welcome. Papers offering a pedagogical approach are desired. At the conference, associated curriculum guides and other resources for teachers would be welcome.

We aspire to showcase up to five presenters for this panel, aiming for papers of approximately 6 pages and lively audience follow-up during Q and A.

Please send 300-word abstracts by email to Anne Phillips <> and Randi Tanglen <>. The deadline for proposals is Friday, January 17, 2020. Early submissions welcome.